Check out the details of Dr Wippit's releases here, I do try to tell you a little bit about 'em as the come out.

Tracers - Sunday at Sam's
By Dr Wippit September 26, 2024
For eight songs recorded straight to analog and mixed in a few hours, I think we did pretty well. In those days, you might be able to punch in a part, but there was certainly no "fixing" anything with digital magic.
A green and purple painting of a man 's head with the words never again on it.
By Dr Wippit March 21, 2024
So I have a new release featuring two heartfelt love ballads. The first track, "Never Again," is a song I wrote in the 90s, at the time I was shooting for a soulful R&B song with its raw emotion and smooth vocals. I'll be the first to admit that smooth vocals aren't my specialty.
A sunset with trees in the foreground and mountains in the background
By Dr Wippit July 28, 2023
The new EP is out on all the streaming platforms. Details on the songs are below the links.
A black and white photo of a man with a beard
By Dr Wippit January 4, 2023
I started writing the song For Everyone about ten years ago. Like most of the songs I write, it started with a chord progression followed by a vague idea of what the melody could be. One day I was driving and listening back to an acoustic strumming the chords, and the beginning of the chorus just came to me out of the blue: When do we get to the part where we stop hurting each other? How do we get to the place where we stop breaking each other down? It had been some time since I wrote a song with a "message" and this one seemed to be writing itself. Suddenly, I felt this one needed to be done in a hurry and rushed out. I already had a couple of new songs close to the finish line, Yup and Paying for Lessons. Now I felt like I was close to getting an EP worth of material , and I wanted to get it to the masses. It didn't take more than a couple of days to get the lyrics finished, now I had a song I could play on an acoustic, but I wasn't sure where it would go from here. I brought it to the studio where my stepsons worked on music and asked if they wouldn't mind learning it real quick and putting down bass and drums, I was still just strumming an acoustic. I think we wen't through the song all of three times and I brought home the acoustic, bass and drum tracks. In the big picture, I wanted this to have electric guitar instead, so I recorded a kind of funky electric riff over the drums and bass, put power chords over the chorus, and then another track of lead throughout the song. The final touch I figured it needed was female backups on the chorus. At the time I was in a cover band and I got the female vocalist from Tastes Like Chicken to sing a three part arrangement I put together, and I figured it was ready for prime time. Since this was the song with the message I made it the title track of my EP, and I rushed it out to CD Baby and all the streaming services. You can check out that version here:
A drawing of a man with long hair and a beard on a pink background.
By Dr Wippit October 28, 2012
In 2011 I decided to start documenting all the songs I've written over the years. There are dozens of them, many I've written along with some really great artists. As I started documenting the lyrics I looked to see how many I had good recordings of. I decided there had to be enough good songs here that never got a proper release, and would be worth 99 cents each.